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Parsley Seeds & Plants
Parsley is so much more than a forgotten garnish on the side of a plate. Homegrown, this herb adds a crisp, verdant note to dishes. It’s also rich in antioxidant Vitamins A and C, as well as Vitamin K — essential for bone health.
Parsley, Single ItalianPlain, flat, deeply cut dark green leaves with pronounced flavor.$4.45 - $14.95As low as $4.45
Plant & Seeds & Farmer’s Market Seed & Farmer's Market Seed
Parsley, Italian Flat Leaved OrganicFlat-leaved variety with pronounced flavor.$5.95As low as $5.95
Parsley, Green DreamHighly-aromatic new parsley, with elegant feathery leaves and tender very-edible stems.$4.95 - $8.32As low as $4.95
Plant & Seeds
Parsley, Italian Dark Green OrganicVery flavorful, flat leaves.$4.95 - $23.95As low as $4.95
Seeds & Farmer's Market Seed & Farmer's Market Seed
Parsley, Double Curled OrganicFrost tolerant, compact plants with finely curled leaves. Certified Organic.$5.95As low as $5.95
Parsley, Plain (Organic)Plain, flat, deeply cut dark green leaves with more pronounced flavor than Extra Curled Dwarf.$5.95As low as $5.95
Parsley, Gigante DItalia OrganicVigorous growth, great flavor.$6.95 - $19.95As low as $6.95
Seeds & Farmer’s Market Seed