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Cool Season Annual Flower Seeds & Plants
Sunny calendula, colorful pansies, cheery petunias - nothing brightens up cool weather like flowers! Shop cool-tolerant flowers at Burpee.com.
Petunia, Wave® Purple HybridWave Purple, the original groundcover petunia.$6.45 - $21.95As low as $6.45
Seeds & Plant
Marigold, Red KnightBeautiful red-and-gold blooms serve double-duty as companion plants.$6.95 - $24.95As low as $6.95
Plant & Seed
Nasturtium, Alaska MixHEIRLOOM. Colorful, edible nasturtiums tolerate poor soils and heat or cold.$4.95 - $8.95As low as $4.95
Seeds & Seeds
Cornflower, Tall Double Mixed ColorsCentaurea cyanus or Bachelors Buttons.$5.45As low as $5.45
Nasturtium, Double Dwarf Jewel MixHEIRLOOM. Superb for bedding or containers.$4.95 - $8.95As low as $4.95
Seeds & Seeds
Petunia, Spreading, Shock Wave DenimOverflowing mini-blooms.$4.95 - $21.95As low as $4.95
Seeds & Plant
Stock, Harmony MixThe best choice for an authentic Victorian country garden.$5.95As low as $5.95