Soil Health adding soil to gardenSoil Health adding soil to garden

Soil Health

Ensuring optimal soil health is crucial for successful gardening, from seed starting to plant maturity. Utilizing sustainable substrates like coconut coir for seed germination provides natural disease resistance and excellent water retention. As plants mature, balanced soil mixes with essential nutrients and the incorporation of compost contribute to ideal growing conditions, while organic fertilizers further enhance root health, foliage vigor, and overall plant productivity.

Spring blooms - Burpee SeedsSpring blooms - Burpee Seeds

What Seeds Need

While some seeds can be directly sown into garden soil, others require pre-planting. Derived from coconut husks, coir is our favorite substrate for starting seeds. It’s sustainable and naturally disease- and pathogen-resistant, with excellent water retention for keeping seeds moist—an essential for germination. The lightweight material helps seedlings absorb nutrients, too. Just mix in a fertilizer that matches what you’re growing.

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The Good Dirt

Small Space or Room to Grow?

When seedlings turn into plants, their needs also change. They’re bigger, and with the right care, they’ll flower and perhaps bear fruit. We created our soil mixes with a balance of nutrients to help plants flourish. For containers and raised beds, our potting mix provides a continuous supply of food for up to three months and retains moisture well so you can water less.

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Sunflowers being harvested - Burpee bouquetsSunflowers being harvested - Burpee bouquets

Soils and Amendments

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Strawflower bouquets - Burpee GardeningStrawflower bouquets - Burpee Gardening

Compost Is Key

person composting food

If you’re growing in the ground, there’s likely dirt already there—thanks, Mother Nature! But the soil may be sandy or dense with clay. To give your plants more ideal conditions, mix in compost before planting each season. While you can purchase this nutrient-dense organic matter, it’s a cinch to make yourself—plus, it reduces your food and yard waste and beautifully continues the circle of life.

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Feed Your Plants

easy to grow flowers and vegetables

Build your gardening skills—and confidence!—with our easy-to-grow favorites. These picks earn high praise from Burpee gardeners, who tell us they see success with them year after year.

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Sunflowers being harvested - Burpee bouquetsSunflowers being harvested - Burpee bouquets


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