Fast Food Garden - Pizza with Leeks

5-6 'Dawn Giant' leeks
1 teaspoon fresh common thyme
6 leaves fresh sweet basil, chopped
5 'Power Pops' cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1 'Early Italian' garlic clove, minced
½ cup Feta cheese
1 tablespoon olive oil
Pinch of ground black pepper
1 oven-ready pizza crust





Prepare ready-made pizza crust as directed in oven until almost crisp. Take out of oven. (Naan bread works well.) Cut leeks. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil in pan and sauté leeks, adding a little ground black pepper. Add garlic just as leeks start to caramelize. Cook for a few minutes more. Add scallions to pizza. Sprinkle with feta cheese and add cut cherry tomatoes. Heat in oven for 5 minutes. Ready to serve.

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