All About Kohlrabi

Posted in: Kohlrabi
All About Kohlrabi

Can I Grow Kohlrabi?

Kohlrabi prefers rich, well-drained soil in full sun. You can plant this cool-season crop for a spring or fall harvest in the North, or for a winter harvest in the South.

For a spring crop plant the seeds outside after danger of a hard frost: sow in midsummer for a fall crop, or in fall for a winter crop. Space rows 12 to 18 inches apart. Thin the seedlings to 4 inches apart when they are large enough to handle. You can also grow kohlrabi in containers.

What is Kohlrabi Plant History?

This relative of kale and cabbage has a flavor similar to turnips. It is grown for its bulblike stem, which grows above the ground.

Kohlrabi Harvesting Tips

Kohlrabi is best when the bulbs are about 2 to 3 inches in diameter. Harvest the foliage when it is young and tender.

Kohlrabi Recipes & Storage

Try eating the stems fresh, like an apple. They can also be shredded as salad greens, sauteed, stir-fried, boiled, or steamed and served with a sauce as a side dish. The tops are edible; use them as salad greens or cook them as a substitute for spinach.

See all our Kohlrabi

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May 21, 2021
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