Painting Rock Plant Tags


Here’s a fun way to label your vegetable garden rows so there is no mistaking what seeds you planted! You can also paint the rocks to represent your favorite vegetables, just for fun, even if you are not growing the crop.

What you need:

• Various smooth stones of various sizes and shapes, the smoother the better. Think of what crop each could be as you select them.
• Acrylic paints in the colors you will need for the plants you want to represent. Make sure the paints are the type that can withstand outdoor conditions.
• Paintbrushes, water, palette or jar lids to mix colors, and paper towels for working with the paints.
• Sharpie to draw fine lines


  1. Choose a stone and think of what vegetable or fruit or flower that you want to make it most resembles to you. A triangular shape could be a strawberry, a round shape could be a tomato or pumpkin, a long narrow shape could be a carrot, cucumber, or pepper.
  2. Paint the stone in the color of the crop you are marking. You may need more than one coat to get the shade you want, or you may need to mix colors. Wait for the paint to dry (about an hour).
  3. Add features in second colors after the paint has dried: whites for eyes and mouths, maybe green or yellow stripes for cucumbers or pumpkins, dots for strawberry seeds, green leaves on the top of fruit.
  4. After all the features have been added and the paint is dry, fine tune with a sharpie. Draw outlines of the eyes, add eyebrows and mouths, smiles (or frowns!), teeth, outline any leaves you have painted on top. Sign your work of art on the back!
  5. Mark your rows, or place anywhere in the garden you choose.


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