Easy Pickles



Easy pickles are one of the best snacks you and your kids can make and enjoy together on a hot summer day. Here’s an easy recipe for kids to turn fresh pickling-cucumbers into delicious treats.


What You Need:
• 2 pounds of whole Supremo cucumbers, or a similar pickling variety
• 2 cups thinly sliced Granex Hybrid onions, or similar sweet and mild onion
• 1 quart of purified water
• 2 tablespoons sea salt
• ½ teaspoon mustard seeds
• ½ teaspoon celery seeds
• ½ teaspoon ground turmeric
• ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper. If you like hot pickles, this quantity

can be doubled.
• ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
• 3 horseradish leaves, if available
• 4 cloves of Garlic, Early Italian, or similar mild variety, thinly sliced
• Mason jars


What To Do:

1. Soak fresh cucumbers in ice water for an hour after harvest to perk them up.

2. Slice garlic and onions and combine with remaining spices.

3. Place the horseradish leaves on the bottom of the mason jar.

4. On top of the leaves place the spices and sliced garlic and onion. Pack the little pickles as tightly as possible into the jar.

5. Dissolve the salt in a quart of purified water and pour it over the cucumbers, just enough to cover them.

6. Cover loosely with a kitchen towel and set on the counter for 3 to 7 days.
Refrigerate and enjoy!


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